
Kids Night to Cook!

 This summer, I am trying to find times that our kids can choose a menu and cook for the whole family. It's a fun way to get them involved in menu planning and give them an opportunity to learn how to cook. I love guiding them in the kitchen and I think they have much more appreciation for what goes into preparing a meal after their experience!

Andrew got to be the first to make his family meal. He chose barbecued chicken wings and legs, which I don't often cook, except to make teriyaki marinade for my husband's chicken wings that he makes for his buddies for special football games. Andrew's menu also included mashed potatoes, grapes and sliced strawberries. They were all delicious!

Andrew is ready to prep the wings
Look at that concentration

Learning the best way to peel potatoes...
...and how to keep the chopped potatoes even in size
Delicious mashed potatoes
Andrew, master of the grill

What a great dinner!

Andrew's Dinner

Grilled Chicken Wings

3 pounds chicken wings, cut into pieces and trimmed
seasoned salt

Barbecue over medium heat until browned and crispy.

Mashed Potatoes

6 russet potatoes, peeled and cut into 1 inch cubes
1/2 stick butter
1/2 cup half and half or whole milk
salt and pepper

Peel and cut potatoes. Put into stock pot and cover with water 1 inch above top of cubed potatoes. Bring to boil and then reduce to a simmer and cook until tender, about 12-15 minutes. Drain water from potatoes and put back into pot. Add butter and milk or half and half and mash with potato masher. Add salt and pepper to taste.

1 comment:

  1. Chef Andrew at work. Gotta love tasty wings! Especially with football season just around the corner.
