
Breakfast in Provence

During our sojourn in France, my mom and I stayed at an amazing bed and breakfast called Le Lavandin. Situated thirty minutes east of Avignon, this beautiful spot had lavender fields, blooming rose bushes and hydrangeas, paths through the garden and even a labyrinth. The guesthouse was perfectly situated among olive trees and had a lovely deck with a great view. The owner of Le Lavandin, Georgia, is a very gracious and welcoming host, and provided all the guests of our retreat with incredible breakfasts each morning.
We would do our morning breathing exercises before walking along the the canal with the group and return to a table laid beautifully with flowers from the garden. There was different fruit as a first course each day along with coffee and french cream, tea, and a delectable assortment of fresh French baked goods and breads with delicious jams and lavender honey. After breakfast we would go outside and Sigrid Olsen would lead us in a wonderful creative activity and Martha Abbot would begin our morning of art with a thoughtful meditation exercise. It was truly an amazing week!
Sweet raspberries, blackberries and blueberries with rich french cream greeted us our first day.
Our baked good choices included a flaky pastry with almonds and powdered sugar as well as toasted pain de ble avec des noix (in the bundled basket keeping warm), which was my favorite drizzled with lavendar honey.

Rhubarb compote with Greek yogurt.
These choquettes, little airy puffs covered with crunchy nuggets of sugar, were amazing.

Juicy nectarine with a dollop of sweet thick cream- yum!
The croissants were amazing- light, airy and very buttery. Add some confiture de crises and you have a very tasty breakfast!

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