
Three Ingredient Peanut Butter Cookies- YUM!

It's finals week around here and all my kids are studying (or attempting to at least some of the time). My son, Andrew, is a senior and had his buddies over for a study session in his room tonight. They have been friends since kindergarten and it was a kick to hear them toss around concepts like nitrogen-N2, solar energy and lithosphere between quips about college applications and their fantasy football scores.

They needed some sustenance keep them on track, and although we had ready to bake chocolate chip cookie dough in the fridge (thank you Nestle!), I wanted to whip up something home made as well. 

This peanut butter cookie recipe is the bomb- first of all, so easy to make!!! Secondly, sweet and peanut buttery---although I like traditional peanut butter kiss cookies, they are not quite peanut-rich/sugary enough for me. You will love how easy these are to make and how tasty they are. Your kids will love you if you make them (if you don't have kids, you will love that you made them for yourself!)

Are these sweet boys studying hard or hardly studying?!
Regardless, they are happy to have a cookie break :)
Easy (and tasty) peanut butter cookies
Easy Peanut Butter Cookies

1 cup peanut butter
3/4 cup sugar (plus 2 tablespoons sugar for rolling)
1 egg

Mix all three ingredients in medium sized bowl until incorporated. Roll into balls and toss in bowl with sugar. Criss cross with fork if making traditional peanut butter cookies or bake as balls and gently press chocolate kiss into cookie when you take out of oven. Bake at 350° for 7-9 minutes. These get brown on the bottom easily, so keep on eye on them and maybe take them out a minute before you think they are ready. Enjoy!