
Snowballs- Christmas Dessert from the Past!

Happy Holidays to you all!! I hope this special time has been filled with smiles and love for you with your family and friends~

We had a very special Christmas eve that started out with an amazing service at our church. We felt blessed to have our family together in one pew at the packed  5 pm service where we enjoyed beautiful Christmas music (my all time favorite song every year is Peace and Silent Night sung in a round together with the congregation and choir at the end, which always makes me teary in a great way) and listened to a meaningful message about happiness- the question being, where do you feel you are most happy? During this holiday season, I was very conscious of feeling profound happiness in my little house with my dear family filling the spaces around me with hearty laughter and love. That's where I find my happiness!

Back to Christmas eve...our family tradition is to have Christmas eve dinner at my parents' house where we often enjoy delicious beef tenderloin and Yorkshire pudding. This year my mom surprised us with a "new" dessert that was awesome! We love the persimmon pudding she usually makes but she decided to introduce us to a recipe dear friends of her parents made for her family when she was young.  It is a delicious whipped cream and coconut wrapped surprise that you can't quite figure out if you don't know what is inside. Thanks for introducing something new to us this Christmas, Mom, and to all our old traditions, too!! 

My beautiful mom in the midst of snowball preparation

The snowballs pre-wrap 

Delicious holiday dessert!


1/2 cup sugar

6 tablespoons butter

1 well-beaten egg yolk

1 cup drained, crushed pineapple

1 egg white, stiffly beaten
60 vanilla wafers
1/2 pint whipping cream (sweetened with powder sugar and vanilla to taste)
1 cup coconut or pretty candle sprinkles if your family doesn't care for coconut

Cream butter and sugar until light. Add egg yolk and pineapple. Add beaten egg white and fold in lightly. For each snowball, take three wafers, spread mix between wafers, stacking together. Let stand in refrigerator three hours or overnight. Whip cream and sweeten and add vanilla. Spread over each snowball. Sprinkle with coconut or candy sprinkles. Let stand again for three hours in refrigerator. Enjoy!

just a note---this is an old recipe and does indeed call for uncooked eggs, so if you are not into eating uncooked cookie batter or that sort of thing, you might want to skip this recipe :)

Christmas Eve PJ Tradition
Our family also has a wonderful tradition of our kids opening new Christmas pajamas and posing with Omi and Papa in front of their house in them...we have such fun pictures of our kids and their cousins over the years as they have grown up.This Christmas we actually got to enjoy another Christmas eve service after dinner to see our son's girl friend sing beautifully in her church, so our kids didn't change into into their pj's to have their photo with their grandparents until we got back to their house close to midnight! What amazing grandparents our kids have!

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