
Refreshing Sangria

Happy Spring and happy Friday! For those of us who live in California, we have been experiencing an incredible March full of sunny warm days with very little rain (until this week!) We will pay for it this summer when we have water rationing and it is so hard on our earth to be without precipitation, but for the meantime, we feel like we are almost in summer mode by eating out on the deck and barbecuing. And what goes well with warm weather? Sangria!

I actually found the recipe below cut out of a newspaper and stuck in a used cookbook I bought during my adventure on Valencia in SF. How long has it been since you have made Sangria? It had been years for me, so this was a fun treat- citrusy and sweet, refreshing and cool.

Make a batch today to celebrate the arrival of Spring and Friday, even if you are in a cold part of the country- it will make you happy!

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