
Summer Dinner on the Deck

I love when I have all my sweet kids plus my hubby home at dinner time in the summer so that we can dine with one another on the deck. Tonight was one of those lucky nights, so we got to enjoy a dinner of lots of grilled goodies plush some fresh fruit and risotto.
Our meal together turned interesting when a few wasps joined us and were trying to grab bites of the delicious grilled steak on the table and from our plates. By the end of our meal, our kids were in full wasp-hunt mode, trying to trap them in glasses or catch them in the act of nibbling pieces of steak off their plates. So there went our peaceful dinner on the deck---never-the-less, I enjoyed having all my peeps at one table- makes a mama happy!

Perfect Menu for Summer Dinner on the Deck:
  • Grilled Marinated Flank Steak (recipe found here )
  • Grilled Cauliflower  (recipe found here)
  • Garlic Grilled Zucchini  (recipe found here)
  • Fresh Raspberries with Diced Mango
  • Risotto with Peas

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