Have you ever seen the bags of carrots for sale at the market that are so huge you assume people must buy them to feed to their horses? Although I did not choose a bag that big, the bag that I did end up buying last week for a good price reminded me of one of those... because the quantity very much exceeded the amount of carrots our family would consume within a week and they still looked wonderful, I couldn't resist buying the bag.
Enter the need to make carrot soup...I wanted a simple recipe that could please most in my family and this did the trick-
Simple Carrot Soup
2 tablespoons extra
virgin olive oil
2 pounds peeled carrots,
cut into 1 inch pieces
1 large onion, thinly
2 tablespoons minced
1 sprig of fresh thyme
1 sprig of fresh
32 ounces chicken broth
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon freshly
ground black pepper
Heat oil in large stock pot over medium heat. Add carrots, onions, garlic, thyme and rosemary. Cook for
15 minutes, until carrots are fork tender. Add chicken broth and simmer for 15-20 more minutes. Use immersion blender until mixed.

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