
Easy and Delicious Fresh Spinach Lasagna

This is the easiest lasagna recipe you will ever make- no cooking noodles, no draining frozen spinach, just layer and bake! You can add cooked ground turkey or beef to the sauce to make it a meat lasagna, but my kids love this vegetarian version. Perfect for a cold winter night!

Sauce and uncooked noodles

Fresh spinach on top of cheese

Lasagna ready to bake

Easy Spinach Lasagna
1 1/2 jars (24 ounce) spaghetti sauce (I like my lasagna a little saucy, so will sometimes use 2 full jars)
1 pound package uncooked lasagna noodles 
2 cups fresh baby spinach (just throw the whole leaves in- no need to chop!)
2 cups ricotta cheese
2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese
1 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1/2 cup chopped basil, if desired

Layer the following  in a 9 x 13" baking dish:
Put 1/2 cup sauce in bottom of baking dish.
First Layer: noodles to cover bottom of dish, 1/2 of the ricotta cheese, 1 cup spinach, 1/3 of mozzarella cheese and 1/3 of the Parmesan cheese, 1/3 of sauce
Second layer: noodles, 1/2 ricotta cheese, 1 cup spinach, 1/3 mozzarella cheese, 1/3 Parmesan cheese, 1/3 sauce
Last layer: noodles, sauce, mozzarella cheese, Parmesan 
Cover in tin foil.

Bake at 400 for 45 min, then remove foil & broil for 2 min to brown cheese on top.
Let sit for 10 minutes and then enjoy!

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