
Easy Make Ahead Breakfast Burritos

Sadly, winter break is coming to an end and my family is all headed back to work and school.  Our mornings can be rushed, so I made a batch of breakfast burritos the kids love to have in the freezer ready to go on those crazy mornings. You can tailor them to your liking by adding salsa, sausage, green onions... whatever makes your mouth happy!

 Easy Make Ahead Breakfast Burritos

8 eggs
10 flour tortillas
1 1/2 cups shredded cheddar
8 slices cooked bacon, chopped

Scramble eggs over medium heat. Chop cooked bacon and make assembly line. 
Place spoonful of scrambled eggs on tortilla, top with grated cheese and a bit of bacon. Wrap both ends over egg mixture and then roll. Place on parchment paper lined baking sheet and freeze for 6 hours. Take out of freezer and wrap each burrito in wax paper or saran wrap and place in freezer bag. 

Right before rushing out the door to school or work, take burrito out of freezer, remove from plastic wrap and wrap in damp paper towel. Microwave for 2 minutes, put in new paper towel and enjoy on the go! 

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