
Cooked Veggie Power Lunch Bowl

Salads for lunch is a great way to increase your daily veggie intake and since I actually prefer cooked vegetables to raw,  putting together a melange of cooked vegetable flavors is a great way to "mix in a salad" for me. If you cook a good amount of all these veggies, you can save portions for multiple meals and can eat variations of these in a variety of tasty lunch bowls throughout the week.

Cooked Veggie Power Lunch Bowl
  • Saute baby spinach, kale and chard in 1 teaspoon olive oil and sprinkle with kosher salt
  • Roast cubed butternut squash tossed with olive oil, salt and pepper at 425° until soft, like in this recipe
  • Saute cremini mushrooms until soft in olive oil with one shallot sliced and one minced garlic clove
  • Add raw sliced red pepper
  • Add basil hummus (recipe here) for protein 
  • sprinkle with herbs you love (I put fresh thyme on this bowl after I took the picture!)
  • Add nuts of your choice for protein, too- I added toasted walnuts in this bowl

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