
Graduation Celebration Dinner

We had a wonderful family dinner to celebrate our son's high school graduation after his school's very special baccalaureate service. The "kids" in our family enjoyed sitting together at their own table while the adults got cozy at another. The menu was simple and delicious- most of the dishes were prepared ahead, so all we needed to do was grill the meat and warm the mashed potatoes (my son's special request).  It was an awesome way to celebrate the end of an era in our life and the exciting beginning of a new one!

Having fun with our new chalk board for family notes and news~

Buffet dinner is ready

Andrew, and his darling girlfriend, Katherine ~ the happy graduates!

The kids at one table...

...and the adults at the other

Texas sheet cake was the perfect dessert for our crowd


  • Fred's Steak- amazing pre-marinated tri-tip from Schaub's in Palo Alto- someday I will try to figure out their "secret" marinade (check out this description)
  • Simple Green Salad- fresh and full of herbs and avocado-  (recipe found on here )
  • French Green Bean Salad- crunchy and tangy (recipe here)
  • Fruit Salad
  • Orzo Salad see here
  • Texas Sheet Cake see here

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