
Amazing Granola

Tasty granola ready to be shared!

Granola with fresh fruit and fage yogurt makes a fabulous breakfast~
Granola is a great gift, too!

Homemade Granola

Mix together dry ingredients below:
6+ cups old fashioned oats
1 cup slivered or sliced almonds
1 cup raw sunflower seeds
1/2 cup flax or hemp seeds

Combine over low heat the following ingredients:
1/2 cup coconut or canola oil
1/2 cup honey
1/2 cup maple syrup
1/2 T vanilla
1 T cinnamon
1 t sea salt

2 cups dried fruit (raisins, dates, coconut, pineapple, mango, apricots...whatever you like!)
1 cup raw unsalted cashews

Mix it all together and bake on two cookie sheets at 325 degrees. Mix after 15 minutes, then after another 10 min and let sit on baking sheet.  When cool, mix with 2 cups dried fruit  and  cashews. Enjoy with milk or yogurt for breakfast or sprinkled over ice cream for dessert.
This recipe is adapted from one my brother-in-law in Portland gave me- he adds sesame seeds and other nuts like walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts or pumpkin seeds, which is yummy, too.

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